Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Judge Slams Boss Bloomberg

Judge calls new rule called ‘arbitrary and capricious’

New Yorkers celebrate they are temporarily free from Strongman Bloomberg

New York City economy improves immediately

Stress and anxiety is lowered in Manhattan

Monday, March 11, 2013

Another day, another billionaire dodging taxes

Welcome to Puerto Rico, newly laundered billionaires!

Well, the signs or the brochures really don't read like that, of course.

But, this is what it looks like for hedge fund operator John "Dodger" Paulson.

Bloomberg reports that John Paulson "is exploring a move to Puerto Rico, where a new law would eliminate taxes on gains from the $9.5 billion he has invested in his own hedge funds, according to four people who have spoken to him about a possible relocation."

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Capital markets suck, according to China billionaire

Zong Qinghou, China’s richest man, has strong feelings about investing and the state of the global equity markets: “The capital markets suck in China.”


Chairman Eric Schmidt selling Google

Google Inc Chairman Eric Schmidt plans on selling roughly 42 percent of his stake in the company (NASDAQ: GOOG).
